Pet Therapy Supporting Research

Citation for Intermountain Therapy Animals R.E.A.D Program:  Intermountain Therapy Animals. (n.d.) R.E.A.D. Retrieved April 6, 2018, from

Beetz, A. M. (2015). How animals in schools can support learning. Retrieved from

Linder, D., Mueller, M., Gibbs, D., Alper, J., & Freeman, L. (2018). Effects of an animal-assisted intervention on reading skills and attitudes in second grade students. Journal of Early Childhood Education, 46(3), 323-329. Retrieved from

Shannon, M. (2007). The benefits of children reading to dogs in public libraries and after school centers: An exploratory study. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from

Shaw, D. M. (2013). Man’s best friend as reading facilitator. The Reading Teacher, 66(5), 365-371. Retrieved from