Hi, my name is Silly Billy and maybe we have met each other at the library.
I am a cocker spaniel, which is a kind of dog that runs under bushes to make birds fly up in the air so that hunters can see them.  I am not a very good hunter, though, because I don’t like scaring birds.
I was born far away in a place called Canada, near the North Pole.  Before I came to live with my Mommy I was busy winning dog shows.  I won a lot of blue ribbons, but I didn’t enjoy that life. I wanted to spend time with children and have fun.
So my Mommy helped me to learn how to be a good dog so that I could visit libraries and meet lots of boys and girls who read to me.  I love it when children read to me, sometimes I even fall asleep. 
Can you leave me a note and tell me what books you are reading?
I hope you come and visit me at the library.  See you soon!!