United Way and Matching Gifts

We appreciate your choosing to support PAWS for People through the United Way, Delaware SECC, and other giving campaigns that may be offered at your workplace. Setting up an ongoing payroll donation through these campaigns provides an easy and convenient way to support PAWS.  We greatly appreciate everyone who participates in these Campaigns and we have provided the specific information needed to designate PAWS for People.

United-Way-Logo-whiteUnited Way

Please insert the appropriate designation code on your United Way pledge form.
– United Way of Delaware   #11062
– Delaware State Employees’ Charitable Campaign (SECC)   #71031
– United Way of Greater Philadelphia & Southern New Jersey   #48807
– United Way of Cecil County, Maryland – enter PAWS for People

kennet-newcomers-checkMatching Gifts

This is terrific and easy way to increase the amount of your donation.  In addition, some companies will generously match their employee’s volunteer service to a non-profit organization with a financial donation to that organization.

Please check on the availability of and how to utilize Matching Gift opportunities at your or your spouse/partner’s workplace.  If PAWS qualifies and you submit the matching gift form, which is often online, please email PAWS so that we are aware of your kindness to PAWS.

Please contact us if you have any questions about codes or how to include us in your giving.  Thank you for utilizing the generosity of your workplace to increase the support for PAWS for People!

Thank you for your interest in supporting the mission and work of PAWS for People! Please contact our Director of Development with any questions.