Frequently Asked Questions

Are you looking for answers to some commonly asked questions about being a therapy team?

Read here to see if your question is covered!

When/Where are the training sessions to become a therapy team?
The first step to becoming a member is to apply.  Check out the Steps to Membership (number one has the link to the application).

We offer Orientation and Training sessions (these are separate classes) throughout Delaware and in parts of New Jersey, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. After you apply, you will be invited to select the sessions that work best for you. See the Orientation and Training Calendar for upcoming sessions.


My pet eats raw fruits and vegetables - is that considered a “Raw Food Diet?”
While these do constitute “raw foods,” the concern PAWS has with this diet is restricted to the raw protein (meat) items. Freeze dried protein is not prohibited.
I don’t have a license. Are they required? How do I get one?
Yes, licenses are required in all four states we visit. You do not need a license to attend Orientation or Training; you will need to submit a copy of your license or tag before you can visit a PAWS site.

Your best bet is to search online for “dog license” and your location – often you can order the license online.

What kind of collar and leash do you have to use when visiting with PAWS?
Collars for Dogs
Permitted Not Permitted
Flat fabric   Chains or Prongs
Flat leather Any type of choker
Fabric martingale Chain martingale
Citronella spray

Harnesses MUST be used for all cats and bunnies. Collars are not required in addition to harnesses.

Harnesses may be used for dogs when visiting.
Gentle leaders may be used when approaching and leaving visiting sites but may not be used during visits or community events.

(dogs, cats, & bunnies)
Permitted Not Permitted
4′ PAWS green leash
(6′ with approval)
4′ Flat fabric leash
(6′ with approval)
(even if it is locked)
4′ Flat leather leash
(6′ with approval)
Leashes over 4′ without approval

Registered service dogs may use their own issued equipment when visiting. Proof of registration as a service dog is required for this exception.

Do I have to have the vet form completed and signed before Orientation?

A copy of current vaccinations (rabies, bordetella and distemper) is sufficient to attend Orientation. Bring a copy of your last vet visit receipt – it should have the vaccination dates on it – or you can ask your vet to fax PAWS a copy (FAX: 302-351-8116).

Please be sure to have your vet complete the PAWS form at your next visit. Do NOT make a special appointment just to get this signed.

My husband/wife/friend wants to come with me to Orientation and Training. Is that OK?
Yes, friends and family members may attend with you. However, in order to be certified as a PAWS team (and eligible to visit or handle the pet), they must complete STEX testing and Training and pay the appropriate fees. Please let the office staff know you want to bring someone along so they have a proper headcount.
Can my husband/wife/friend go on visits with me and my therapy pet?
That depends on where you will be visiting. (It’s not appropriate to take people with you to the hospital, drug rehab, or psychiatric care facilities). Please check with the PAWS office before taking any guests with you on visits.
My dog won’t sit because he is so little. Is that OK?
All dogs over five pounds must complete and pass all of STEX in order to become a certified PAWS therapy companion. Dogs under five pounds have to sit, down, and stay.
My dog is six months old. Is that too young to get started?

To get started, your pet must have proof of rabies vaccination. If your pet can complete (and pass) the STEX test, they are welcome to attend orientation. All pets under the age of 18 months, however, must reSTEX 6 months after becoming a member. There is no additional fee for this. They would then STEX again following the standard schedule: before the 2-year anniversary of their initial STEX. 

My dog won’t be able to pass all of STEX yet. Should we still come?
Absolutely! Our trainers are able to assist you and you will get a very good sense of what you need to work on for certification.
My dog just won’t do “X.” What do I do?
PAWS offers dog training courses that could help you master whatever you and your dog need to work on.
My dog is disabled. Do you accommodate for pets with disabilities?
Yes. Please contact the office for more information.
My pet is intact/in heat. Is that OK?
Intact animals are permitted provided their temperament is appropriate to PAWS culture. Females in heat cannot attend any training sessions for safety reasons and should not visit at that time.
I want to visit “X” (not a PAWS site). Is that OK?
You may not visit any non-PAWS site as a PAWS representative (green leash, paperwork, insurance, etc). You will not be covered by PAWS insurance policies.
Why do I have to pay a fee to volunteer? Aren’t you a nonprofit?
We are a nonprofit organization raising enough funds to cover the cost of doing business. PAWS charges fees to cover the cost of ongoing training, testing and supervision of all PAWS teams. As a PAWS member, you are also covered by our liability policy.